Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 12/18/21

Year: 2021


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem BARAN ACIMERT Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi
Malzeme Tasarım ve Davranışları, Kaplama Teknolojisi, Malzeme Bilimi, Malzeme Karekterizasyonu, Triboloji
Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik, Mühendislik

The aim of the Journal of Science and Technology  is; publishing original research articles and reviews made in the fields of Science, Engineering  in order to create a quality academic contribution in these fields.

Research areas covered in the journal:

  • Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and related areas
  • Mechanical, Electrics-Electronics, Civil and related engineering areas
  • Health sciences and related areas

Page layout

Page layout A4 size 2.5 cm from each edge. should be left set. All pages should be numbered and should contain at least 2 and at most 20 pages with references. If necessary, the editorial board can increase this number.


The title of the article should be short and descriptive, and should be centered as "The First Letter of Each Word is Capitalized and Bold".

Author Names

The first letter of the name of the author(s) should be capitalized, the rest should be written in lowercase, and the surname should be centered in capital letters. After the authors' names, commas and numbers should be used as superscripts to specify addresses (1, 2, 3, etc.). The name of the corresponding author must have a superscript asterisk (*). The full addresses of the authors should be written in small letters, centered and right below the names, and the e-mail address of the corresponding author should be included as a footnote. No academic title is specified when writing the names of the authors.

Abstract and Keywords

At the beginning of the study in Turkish or English, there should be an abstract in Turkish and English. The abstract should not exceed 200 words.

Below the abstract, 4-6 keywords should be written in small letters. Keywords should not be a repetition of what is in the title unless necessary.

General Format

The text of the publication is “Times New Roman”, “12 pt”, “justified”, “plain”, “line spacing of 1.15” and “then 12 pt”, if any, words, sentences or definitions to be emphasized in the text are italicized. It can be written but should not be written in bold. A space should be left after the punctuation marks.

SI (Systeme International) units and abbreviations should be used in the study. When other abbreviations are used, they should be explained once in the first place in the text.

Citation (Citation):

Submitted papers should be written in accordance with the APA 6.0 (American Psychological Association) spelling rules. Reference forms of articles and books are as follows:

Table 1. Citation

At the beginning or middle of a sentence:

At the end of the sentence:

Single-author studies

Sancar (2004) or

Polat (2004); Yalcin (2006)

(Sancar, 2004). or

(Polat, 2004; Yalçın, 2006). or

(Polat, 1991; Aktaş, 1993; Çağlar, 2003; Çubuk & Korkmaz, 2007).

Single-authored studies in the same year

Kandemir (2000a and b)

(Kandemir, 2000a and b).

Studies by two authors

Pheasant and Balki (2006) or

Treagust and Coll (2004)

(Sülün and Balkı, 2006). or

(Treagust and Coll, 2004).

Works with more than two authors

Arf et al. (2000) or

Lehmer et al. (2003)

(Arf et al., 2000). or

(Lehmer et al., 2003).

Tables and Charts:

When deemed necessary according to the content of the study, the study should be explained by supporting it with tables, figures and graphics. Representations such as photographs, pictures, drawings and graphics other than the table should be given as "Figure".

The place of each table and figure in the text should be specified. All tables and figures should be numbered sequentially throughout the study (Table 1., Figure 1.), including titles and explanations. Figures should be placed taking into account the page dimensions. Sequence numbers and titles of figures should be written at the bottom and at the top of the tables.


Only on the first page; The e-mail address of the responsible author and if the presented work is a part of the paper, thesis or project work should be indicated as a footnote.

Section and subsections:
The main sections in the study; (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion and Discussion, Suggestions) The initials of each word should be written in capitals and bold, 12 point left aligned.

The titles of the subsections should be written with only the first letter of the first word capitalized, and the other words should be written in small and bold 12 point left aligned. All chapter/subsection titles should be numbered.

Introduction: A brief literature information on the subject should be given, and the purpose of the study should be briefly stated at the end.

Materials and Methods: If the study is experimental, the experimental methods used should be given in detail and descriptively. The method used in the study should be descriptive so that it can be repeated by others.

Results: The findings obtained in this section should be given and no comments should be made.

Conclusion and Discussion: The results should be discussed, but unnecessary repetitions should be avoided. The similarities and differences of the results with other studies should be given, and their possible reasons should be discussed.

Recommendations (Optional): If necessary, the contribution and importance of the results to science can be stated.

Acknowledgments (Optional): When deemed necessary, Acknowledgments are usually given to institutions or individuals who provided financial support to the study, or to experts who reviewed the study and made recommendations before it was sent for publication. It should be as short as possible.

Sources: Unpublished information should not be given as a source. (Examples: Studies in preparation or submitted for publication, unpublished information or observations, information obtained by interviewing people, reports, lecture notes, seminars, etc.). However, the theses that have been completed and passed the jury can be given as a source.

References will be 12 pt and monospaced, then 6 pt.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Erzincan University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology takes into account the principles published by the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive and the “Committee on Publication Ethics” (COPE). In this context, the issues that are important for the authors, referees and editors are listed below.

A. Authors:
1. The Journal of Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology accepts all studies submitted to the journal for evaluation only through the system offered by DergiPark. Studies that are sent by mail, fax, e-mail or other means are not taken into consideration.

2. Authors are obliged to prepare their studies in accordance with the format announced on the website of the Journal of the Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology and to submit all required documents (Copyright Transfer Form, Ethics Committee Approval Certificate, etc.) to the journal. Author names, institution information, contact addresses and ORCID information should be given completely and accurately, in case of a change in this information, the journal authorities should be contacted as soon as possible.

3. All responsibility that may arise in terms of avoiding all actions contrary to scientific research and publication ethics and complying with ethical principles belongs to the authors. Plagiarism, forgery, distortion, republishing, slicing, unfair authorship, not specifying the contributions of the institutions and organizations from which support is received, use of thesis studies that have not yet been presented or defended without the permission of their owners, surveys, etc. The authors are responsible for the use of the studies without the express consent of the participants, for the study to be carried out without obtaining the necessary permissions before starting the studies in research and experiments, and for all other violations.

4. It is expected that the studies submitted for evaluation to the Journal of Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology are original.

5. All the sources used in the studies submitted for evaluation to the Journal of the Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology must be cited in a complete and correct manner, following the rules specified in the sample article file announced on the website of the course.

6. The studies submitted for evaluation to the Journal of Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology should not be sent to another journal for evaluation at the same time, or the work sent to another journal for evaluation should not be sent to the Journal of the Erzincan University Institute of Science for evaluation at the same time. The authors accept this situation when they submit their work to the Journal of Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology for evaluation.

7. If deemed necessary by the members of the editorial board of the Journal of Erzincan University Graduate School of Sciences or the referees evaluating the work, the authors are obliged to present the raw data of their work.

8. Authors must clearly declare all situations and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest, if any, in their studies submitted to the Journal of Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology for evaluation.

9. The authors are entitled to all usage rights, research/analysis/measurement/survey/evaluation/field study/clinical study, etc. on other subjects, they should have documents showing that they have the necessary permissions and should submit them to the journal when requested.

10. Authors can follow the processes related to their studies submitted for evaluation to the Journal of Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology through the DergiPark system. If they disturb the members of the editorial board with e-mail, telephone and/or other communication channels regarding the status of their work, the evaluation processes of their work can be stopped and terminated.

B. Referees:
1. The scientific content, scientific order, compliance with the principles and standards of the studies submitted for evaluation to the Journal of the Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology, and whether they are suitable for publication in a way that will be made available to the public and the scientific community are controlled by the referees. Considering these issues and ethical principles, the invitation to arbitrate should be accepted/rejected.

2. Referee invitations and all processes to the Journal of Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology are made only with the system offered by DergiPark. Referees; Editors, authors, etc. regarding the studies they were invited to evaluate. third parties by telephone, e-mail, fax, etc. If they reach or try to communicate by other means, their arbitration may be deemed invalid. In this context; We evaluated the referees with the "Article Evaluation Form" provided by the Journal of Erzincan University Institute of Science and Technology.

No application, evaluation and/or publication fee is charged for any of the articles submitted to the journal for evaluation.